San Christobal Des Las Casas
Our BMW hosts in Arriaga
A Street in San Christobal des Las Casas
January 28/06 continued
We arrived in Zipolite
After getting settled we picked up some beers and proceeded to stroll the beach. Beer here is treated like pop… buy it at the grocery store ($4.50 for 6 beer) and drink it anywhere. There are no restrictions on the beach. In fact there are no restrictions in
On the way down the beach we took to the waves to attempt some body surfing. I think I “caught a wave” once. I didn’t surf far but I tumbled with the wave, jammed my big toe into the sand and hobbled the rest of the way back to the cabana. The other fared better.
Mid afternoon Dave & I decided it was time for some bike maintenance. We had earlier picked up some oil at the Pemex station. We have ridden the bikes (for night storage) down a steep narrow paved path to a location behind the resort bar and restaurant. It turned out to be a good location for an oil change. We are in the habit of buying a 4 litre bottle of water each day. Normally we empty the water into our smaller water bottles and discard the larger container. In this case, the empty water container (with the top cut off) became the drain pan for the old oil. After draining and filling the bikes with fresh oil we filled the 1 litre oil containers with old oil and left them with the hotel’s garbage. The bike’s chains also got a fresh lube job. After a closer inspection of the underside of my bike I discovered that the centre stand was not as badly damaged as I once thought. It works fine. My skid plate was bruised and bent but there is no damage to the engine. The skid plate is doing it’s intended job.
Picking a place and ordering supper is an interesting experience. Do you know how long it takes for four indecisive people to decide on a restaurant? … Too frigging long! It is painful! My god, you would think that the fate of western civilization was at stake. Then, once we decide on the restaurant, we that have to decide on what to order. It isn’t helpful that we don’t have a clue what at least 70 percent of the menu items are. We have tried to ask. Our grasp of the Spanish language allows us this much but understanding the answer… that’s a whole different scenario. I finally think I have the problem figured out. I simply select an item from the menu and order it as if I knew exactly what it was. I figure, if I like it I’ll eat most of it, if I don’t, I won’t eat quite so much and chances are whatever I get, will most likely go with the beer I’m drinking.
This is likely our last beach stop for a while. By tomorrow evening we should be heading inland and by the next day up into the mountains. We expect max temperature will drop by at least 10C. Perhaps I will appreciate my heavier MC jacket then.
Good night from Zipolite
January 29/06
Today was a hot ride through relatively unremarkable county side, mostly over semi-arid land a few kilometres inland. We did not have a specific destination today. We only wanted to work ourselves towards San Christobal des Las Casas. By mid afternoon we had covered about 250K. We encountered some brutal cross winds between La Ventosa and Zanatepec that almost blew us off the road. We had been warned that it was not unusual to encounter strong winds in this area, but these winds were brutal, worse than in the Baja. (Later we spoke with some locals that told us that the winds today were, on a scale of 1 to 10, a 1. They told us that occasionally a section of the road is closed to traffic. The wind has been known to blow stationary tractor trailers on their side.) Dave managed to collide with a stinging insect of some sort. It stung him on the arm through his shirt. It was sore at first but seems OK now.
At a Pemex station in Zanatepec we met two Mexican fellows on BMWs heading for a BMW get-together in
After breakfast we all packed up the bikes, said our goodbyes to the “beemer boys”. They headed for the Guatamala border and we headed inland up to
Both Arriaga and
Once in town we walked around looking at the sights. There are the normal street vendors and individuals selling local items and knick-knacks. In San Christobal their seemed to be an inordinate number of young kids selling various items. These kids, especially the young girls, are very cute and they are very persistent in their sales technique. Some of these kids appeared to be as young as 3 years old however, most were a couple of years older.
From the phrase "picked up some beers", I can tell you have been spending some time with Dave. :-)
Great posts and always a treat when we discover a new one. Hope you can find spots to upload more in the coming days, but even if you can't, it will make the whole batch that much more of a treat when you can.
What is the peso worth in relation to the Canadian Dollar? I am sure the 'nude' beach had nothing to do with your decision Bernie!!! How much organising/booking of hotels, motels, campsites, beaches did you or were you able to do before you left for your trip? Have you found that part relatively easy? And if so is it because of the time of year that you have chosen to do it? Enquring minds wish to know. Continue to have a great time.
Judith English
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