Karla, Aysha & Jamie at the San Pedro resturant in old Cartagena

Who are these two sea monsters?

Aysha at Playa Blanca on Rosario Island

Under tow... just a few gallons short!
March 1/06
Cartagena is a touristy city. Although there are not many English speaking tourists here, there are plenty of South and Central Americans tourists. Many Colombians who live inland in the mountain cities holiday at the coast. The beaches along Bocagrande are nice but the best beaches and reefs are located on the islands just off shore. To access these islands there are variety of tour boats and water taxis that can be hired from the local docks.
On Monday we decide to head out to one of the islands for the day on a Rosario Island tour. Jamie and Karla had been on this trip before and suggested that we take one of the medium size boats rather than the smaller water taxies. The boat we chose was essentially a 50 passenger speed boat, powered by two, 200hp Yamaha outboards. It clipped along pretty well when the water was not too rough.
The ride out to Rosario Island was nice. Cartegena Bay was quite smooth. The open sea was a bit choppy but generally smooth sailing all the way to Playa Blanca. We sat in the last row of the boat where there was a refreshing breeze although the engine noise was at bit of a bother.
After spending an hour and a half on the beach we loaded back in the boat for a short trip to another island where a marine life centre is located. What was suppose to be a short trip turned into a seeming eternity. By now the seas had built and the boat was unable to run anywhere near full power. As we slowly rocked and rolled our way toward the marine life centre, waiting for a wave to break over us, the passengers, myself included, became increasing sea sick. Luckily we had retained our seats at the back of the boat where there was less movement and fresh air. I was as green as the Caribbean Sea, but I managed to keep my breakfast. Everyone was very relieved to reach the dock near the marine centre.
We had a choice of visiting the marine centre or relaxing at the restaurant where lunch had been arranged. Dave and Jen went on the marine centre tour while the rest of us relaxed, let our stomachs settle and had a bite to eat. All the while, trying to put out of our minds what might be in store for us on the way back to the mainland.
Normally it is straight run from the marine centre through Bocachica and into Cartegena Bay but the tour operator took pity on us. They decide to take a longer but calmer return trip through the coastal water ways. A good choice. . . It turned out to be an enjoyable return trip. There was one little problem. For what ever reason, perhaps the detour on the way back, we ran out of gas a few hundred metres from the Cartegena dock and had to be towed to shore. It was a rather comical end to an otherwise well organized tour.
At 4:40pm we caught the return flight back to Panama City. Once again we were impressed with Copa airlines. A good flight combined with a speedy customs clearance and we were in the hotel by 6:00pm. A pleasant end to a great week in Cartagena!
Karla and Jamie have had a constant stream of visitors over the past couple of months. I think that we were the last ones for a while. They are probably looking forward to a rest but you wouldn’t have guessed it while we were there. They kept us busy and showed us around the area with great gusto. And of course Aysha kept us constantly entertained, with her smiles, giggles, and sense of wonderment about everything. A truly wonderful week spent with family.
Tomorrow morning we will pick up the bikes from Joe’s shop and hit the road on the return leg. It took us 6 weeks to ride from Yuma to Panama City but we plan to ride longer days on a more direct route going north. Without rushing, we hope to get back to Yuma by April 1st.
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